Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Another Eventful Day

Both boys have a very bad case of reflux. We brought them to the doctor on Friday. They are still gaining weight which is great. Alex was 7 pounds 14 ounces and Aiden was 8 pounds. We switched their medicine from Zantac to Prevacid. They seemed to be doing a little better but still suffering, so on Tuesday we switched them to a soy formula (per doctor's request). Well it looks like they both have an allergy to the soy milk. So after talking with Dr Peltier again, we put them back on the Good Start for a few days to get them to where they were before. I have to call tomorrow, and they will probably start a hyper-allergentic formula. Hopefully we can get this under control soon.

In the midst of everything happening yesterday with their allergy to the milk, I was having another migraine. Mom convinced me to go to the hospital to get a shot before it got too late and unmanageable. This was the 3rd in 3 weeks. The only problem with the shots is that it pretty much puts me out for 2 days. Luckily, my grandma and Nora came to help with the boys last night while Mom took me to the hospital and Daniel met us there. Then Mom took both of the boys home with her for the night. She is off this week so she kept them there today. I went there for most of the day but am still pretty out of it. I hope to sleep off the rest tonight. Mom has Alex and Aiden came home with us. I did also see a doctor today and received medicine to help prevent the migraines. I hope this helps.

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