Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

We had our 2nd annual Halloween party tonight. Everyone from the neighborhood comes to Mom's to hand out their candy. We cooked and had a couple of games for the kids. It was a beautiful night.

The little princess with Wesley is Alaisha from school. This is his "girlfriend" he says. They play very well together.

Thanks to everyone for all of the goodies -- I guess I have to put off that diet a little longer.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

Twin Blogs

I added a sidebar on the blog of other twin sites that I have seen. These sites are are of twins close to the same age as Alex and Aiden. It is always interesting to see what other children are doing that are close to the same age.

And We're Off!

Aiden has definately taken the turn to becoming a walker. He walks almost as much as crawling now. He still crawls when he falls in the middle of the floor and have nothing to pull up on, but he would rather walk if he can pull up somewhere.

Alex has decided that walking is fun also -- especially when Mommy goes crazy when he walks from one side of the living room to the other (hehehe). I think that is his motivation. He is taking about 10 or so steps at a time before he lundges forward and falls. He is definately getting better with balance though.

I am hoping that walking will make things a little easier -- not having to take 2 trips to the car everytime we leave or arrive somewhere, bringing 2 from one place to another, etc. I know they will be more independent which could also mean that things get a little harder in some ways, but I will try to only think of the positives. We'll see!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Wesley's 4th Birthday

Wes turned 4 Saturday. He enjoyed a trip to the camp with the men and Aunt Gerry as they went cut grass and set up another feeder.

His party was Sunday. Everyone dressed for the Saints' game. We questioned whether or not to keep this theme with their first 4 games, but we love the Saints even when they are not doing what we want them to do. Well, we had a great time and the Saints did win!

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

This morning we went to The Pumpkin Patch in Thibodaux with Keena, Shane, Camden and Brody. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time. We went eat at Chili's after, and even with 5 kids, had a great time. This kids were well behaved! We had many eyes on us though. The outfit Brody had on was slightly simular to the twins so we had many questions on if we had triplets. Thank goodness we could tell them no.

Aiden was not into taking pictures today -- he wanted to go, go, go -- still crawling though.
No, Wes was not upset. I just did not tell him I was about to take a picture. He has started with the finger in his mouth whenever he is nervous (or tired as in the picture above).
It is relatively impossible to get all three with smiles on their faces these days!
Brody (does he really look like he could be Alex and Aiden's triplet?)
Camden and Brody

Babysitting Glenn

I was able to babysit Glenn Thursday night since Shannon and Kirby had plans for a little while, and again on Saturday mornign while they attended a funeral. He was so good!!! Of course, when others hear that the baby is here, they all come visit. Heidi and Aaron came eat lunch, as did Nora and Brian. We had a nice morning!

Alex has figured out how to climb on and off this toy and loves it!!!! He goes crazy when it starts singing as he rocks.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Video of Aiden's First Steps

Aiden has been walking more and more. He is up to about 7 steps at a time, and sometimes a few more than that. It depends on what he is after. He went a long stretch at Granny's today because he wanted the cracker she had. It always seems to be about food with these boys.

I never tried videoing them with my camera before, much less using You Tube, so even though this is not the best example of him walking, it is a good first shot.

Alex is taking a couple of steps at a time also. He tries to lunge forward instead of balancing though. I am sure it will be just a couple of days. It is really amazing with all of their differences (few simularities, really) that they took their first steps on the same day (10-2-07) and are walking at about the same pace. I guess I have to get ready to run after them now!!!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Glenn's Baptism

Today was Glenn's baptism. Afterwards, we went to Granny and PawPaw's for lunch.

Christmas in October

Aunt Kristen is leaving next week on a deployment to Iraq. She will be gone through Christmas, so we had an early Christmas with her Saturday afternoon. Here are some pitures of the boys with Aunt Kristen.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Both boys took their first steps yesterday during therapy. They only had a couple steps each, but definately progress. Aiden took the first couple, but gave up pretty quickly. Alex tried a little more, and Aiden decided to join him at the end again. Both boys are doing wonderful. Sorry we do not have pictures yet. With the boys not feeling well (see the entry below), they have not been happy, and few pictures have been taken. We will have some soon!

Under the Weather

We brought Alex and Aiden to the doctor today for what started this morning as little more than a head cold. by the time we went to the doctor at 3, Alex had begun wheezing and runny nose, and Aiden's congestion and runny nose was worsening. Alex was put back on breathing treatments at least 3 times a day along with antibiotics to help clear everything up a little faster if it is an infection. It could also help prevent it from becoming bronchitis or pneumonia. Aiden is also on an antibiotic but his has not moved to his chest yet, so no treatments for him for now.

We then had quite a time with getting their medicine. Thibodaux was out of power when we left the doctor, so Daniel planned to get the medicine after work. Well power was not yet restored. Walmart could not fill the prescription. (The prescriptions are all done via technology now -- no paper perscriptions) We called another Walmart and tried to get it transfered but, with systems down and not being able to talk to Thibodaux pharmacy, that was not seeming a likely option. Power was restored before the 8 o'clock closing, so Daniel made another trip to Thibodaux (good thing gas prices are so low, right?) to get the medicine. Well it did not end there. Because of the power failure, one medicine went through, but not the others. We had to call the doctor after hours to send it through again. I am so lucky that my pedi is so awesome. He was really nice about it. I really did not want to wait until morning because they were miserable tonight. I guess technology is not always beneficial -- if we had the paper we could have brought it somewhere else. Thank goodness for my mom and dad who helped with the boys tonight while Daniel made the extra trip and had to wait for the prescriptions to be filled.

We have been lucky and have not done treatments in a few months. Alex did not like having to start back up.