Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Still Sick

For a child who has really never been terribly sick, Wesley is making up for it this year. We made 2 tip to the doctor last week and still had to call on Satuday. Since the new medicine did not seem to be working, we went back again yesterday. In addition, as I picked up the boys, Mrs. Oneida said Alex and Aiden had been coughing as well. I asked Jill to come along since she is now out for Christmas break.

Well, Wes had a melt down there. He has decided he does not like the doctor anymore (no he never had to take a shot with being sick -- he just decided he does not want to go. ) At the same time, Aiden was also crying from not feeling well, so in this little room that we had been in for at least 30 minutes already, we had a 3yr old and baby screaing. I bet every other child in the place was scared what the dr might do to them, but we had not even seen him. After about 5 minutes, Wes calmed down and started coloring. You always see that with other parents, well, don't say anything, it could happen, even to a really well-behaved child.

I ends up Wesley now had an ear infection in both ears and he is wheezing. The cough medicine nor the antibiotic was working, and he was getting sicker. Since his fever was better and his personality was coming back, we would have never know.

Alex and Aiden actually looked pretty good, so back what they were on a few weeks ago with their cough. Of course, that is what we he had said for Wes the first time. I guess he just can't put them on something stronger until they actually sound worse.

Total time for dr app = almost 1 /12 hrs. I love my dr, but keeping 3 kids happy for an hour in a little back room is crazy. I am glad this does not happen often. It is usually quick. I hope we did not scare you away for good Jill.

It definately has been crazy, both my mom and I went to the dr yesterday as well. He told me I was in pretty bad shape and I am on a load of very stong medince too. Same for mom. He also said that he would be sure this is somethin I caught from school. Make me feel great about bringing that home to the kids, but I guess that is how things go.

I hope I was not too negative, but it has definately been a hard week here.

On a good note,
Lutcher won the State Champs!!!
Congrats Shane! We love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Noo! I wasn't scared off at all! Thats crazy talk! it was stressful, but only because we were cooped up in that little room for 45 minutes! Although I was disappointed we couldn't go to McDonalds! HaHa! Hope yall feel better soon!