Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pictures from the past 2 weeks

Sorry about the lack of pictures and blog entries. Things have been so busy around here, and I did not get a new camera yet. So, let's see what's been happening:


Every Christmas Mom and Dad give Kris Kringle presents every Sunday in Advent. I received my beautiful long coat this year and the boys and Daniel received clothes. I had said thank goodness they received it a little before Christmas because they did not have much cold weather clothes, but since I am writing this 2 weeks later, the cold weather has yet to come -- until today that is.

Aiden, more interested in the Cheese Nips than Kris Kringle. I am sure boxes with paper will be more fun come Christmas.

Alex's Christmas shirt is long sleeved. It was really rather warm for this, but we have to get some use out of it before Christmas.

Glenn was worn out from all the fun!

We also gave Glenn a early little Christmas present: A little Santa cuddly, a Christmas shirt and Christmas socks.
Wesley helped Aunt Shannon and Parrain unwrap the presents. He is doing pretty well with keeping the gifts secrets, he just has no patience when it comes to someone unwrapping them. He is having fun giving gifts which is something new this year.

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