Monday, May 19, 2008

Fraternal Twins

I have been receiving more and more comments about how the boys look so different. First of all, I agree. And their personalities can be totally opposite as well. They are definitely fraternal twins (not identical), as are 2/3 of all twins. All boy/girl twins are fraternal and many same sex twins are fraternal. Only fraternal twins can be attributed to heredity. Identical twins are a fluke. So, I came across this poll at that I thought was very interesting. MoT (Moms of Twins) were asked if their fraternal twins look alike. Here are the results:

View Poll Results: How much do your fraternal twins look alike?
1. My fraternal twins don't look alike at all. 40 (35.40%)
2. My fraternal twins look like siblings. 54 (47.79%)
3. My fraternal twins look a lot alike. 17 (15.04%)
4. My fraternal twins look like identical twins - but science says they aren't. 2 (1.77%)
Voters: 113.

I would say that Alex and Aiden definitely look like siblings, but they do not look alike. What do you think?

1 comment:

Jennifer Walker said...

I agree. They resemble each other, but don't look exactly alike.