Saturday, November 01, 2008

Daniel's Surgery

Daniel had carpal tunnel surgery Tuesday (right hand). Everything went really well. He has been very sore on his left side because he has had to rely on that side more than before. His right hand is doing really good. He said he can already tell a difference. We have opted to hold off on the surgery on his left had for a few weeks with so much happening right now, and not wanting to put off Daniel's rehab longer than absolutely necessary.

The boys have been doing so good. They are starting to talk so much more. They are both starting to put 3 words together, such as "Juice please Momma." They were too cute this morning. Aiden was in my bed and Alex was trying to get up but couldn't. Alex said, "Help Aiden." Aiden was pulling and pulling at him to help him up. Later when Alex was trying to go down the slide an Granny's, he lost his footing. Before Granny could get there, Aiden went under and pushed him enough to put his foot back on the ladder. I guess they have their moments!

Wes has been having a wonderful time at school. He is a leader in his class his teacher tells me. At our Fall Fest Thursday, one mom had to come see me cause her daughter always talks about Wesley. I really think that we are going to be in trouble with girls in the future. He has also made some wonderful friends this year in his class. At his game, he forgot about playing cause he was talking with one of the boys on the other team (I think that was their strategy to win, but we tied.)

I can't wait for election day (only cause we are off.)

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