Wednesday, April 25, 2007

9 Month Checkup

The boys did very well at their appointment today. Alex weighed in at 17lbs 10 ounces and Aiden at 19lbs 12 ounces. Aiden is also an inch and a half longer/taller than Alex. This puts Alex in the 10-15 percentile and Aiden around the 30-35 percentile. Dr. Peltier assured us the the range of "normal" is very wide so not to be too concerned about developement at this point.
Aiden's developmental age would be around 7 months while Alex's is closer to 8 months. (This does not mean much since Aiden had usually been ahead of Alex. Alex could have a growth spurt soon and Aiden have more of a developemental spurt.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to see that they are growing so well! Hope to see yall soon. Love yall.