Sunday, April 22, 2007

9 months

I cannot believe that we are getting so close to 1 year old already!The twins have grown so much in the past couple of months. They play so well and really know faces now.

Here are the things they should be able to do at 9 months:

  • bear some weight on legs when held upright (both)
  • feed self a cracker (both)
  • pass an object from 1 hand to another (both)
  • rake a raisen and pick it up (both)
  • turn in direction of a voice (both)
  • look for a dropped object (both)

...will probably be able to do:

  • stand holding on to someone or something (Alex does well; Aiden somewhat)
  • object if you take a toy away (both)
  • work to get a toy out of reach (both)
  • play peekaboo (both very little)
  • get into sitting position from stomach (neither)

What to look for next:

  • pull up to a standing position
  • patty cake and bye bye well
  • walk holding on to furniture
  • stand alone momentarily
  • understand the word no

Crawling!!! Alex is really trying to start. He puts one leg/knee the correct way, but then falls on his stomach trying to get the other. Aiden is just stretching to reach toys now. I guess crawling will be in the next month or so.

Alex now has 2 teeth coming. Aiden still has one, but another is one the way.

Alex is a little ocer 18 pounds and Aiden is about 20. We go for their check up on Wednesday for exact measurements!

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