Thursday, August 03, 2006

Back to the hospital

The boys had another appointment today to check their weights. Alex stayed at 4# 7 oz from Monday. We were hoping for a weight gain of at least an ounce a day. Aiden went from 5# to 4#12oz. Dr Peltier decided immediately that the hospital would be best to monitor them and work on increasing feedings and weight gain.

They were placed in the nursery, and since Thibodaux Regional does not have rooms for parents, we are allowed to go for visits but they suggest keeping them somewhat brief so they babies can get lots of rest. For now, Daniel and I are the only ones going in, then grandparents. They want to keep illnesses away from them. We came home for a little while because we cannot visit between 6 and 8. We are going back at 8 for a little while. I am not sure how long they will be in. We should hear from Dr Peltier today or tomorrow.

Please keep Alex and Aiden in your prayers!

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