Friday, August 18, 2006


I thought I was done with hospitals for the time being, but last night Daniel needed to bring into ER around 3:00 AM. I had been suffering from a horrible migraine since about 11:00. The last time I suffered from these was after I had Wesley. Luckily, the ER was not at all busy. I received a shot and had to be monitored for a while because my blood pressure was so high. The migraine could have been caused by either the high blood pressure or hormones adjusting from pregnancy. Hopefully this was the last time to the hospital for a while.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Thibodaux Regional needs to open up the Templet suite for you guys. This is unreal! I hope that you continue to get better.

Tammy said...

I know -- I think we paid for the entire renovation they are doing!