Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Back to the doctor

[Alex waking from his nap]
Dr. Peltier has been having me call and give updates on Alex by phone. He is doing much better with his wheezing, but he still wanted to see him today to be able to check his lungs and ear infections. His lungs are better, but definately still some bad wheezing. His ear infections are not clearing up. This is a little worrisome because he was given an antibiotic shot and is on a different antibiotic. One of the two should have made his ears a little better. We are not really sure the cause of everything going on right now so we are going to keep him on the same medicines, but change his milk. He may have a milk allergy or something along that line. Basically it is something that we can do easily. Dr. Peltier also brought up the idea of tubes in his ears , but because this is only his second ear infections (the first was not bad at all), it is not an option at this time. But he said if we do see ear problems continue, we will discuss tubes again, because they could help the wheezing issues also. Unfortunately, he was also given shots again. Poor baby, as soon as they started wiping his leg he started crying. He knew is was coming. After all he had a shot in each leg Wed., Fri., Sat., and again today. Hopefully this will be all for a long time. We go back Tuesday to check everything again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope he feels better soon!