Sunday, January 11, 2009

And What You Have All Been Waiting to See . . .

Wednesday afternoon, I took Wesley to his dental appointment, so we did not get home until about 5pm. At 5:20, I heard a horrible scream. Wes had gone into the bathroom to start getting undressed for a bath - I know we do baths pretty early with it getting dark so early. The twins, as always, followed him. According to Wes, Aiden was giving him a big bear hug behind him, and he playfully leaned back, as we often do. Aiden just happened to fall the right, or wrong, way and hit his head. The moment I walked in I knew it would be stitches. I usually have to call someone to confirm, but not this time - I knew. we could not calm down Aiden or Wes. Wes felt it was all his fault. I finally talked Wes down. The moment Aiden stopped screaming, Alex touched the cut (-trying to investigate, not being mean. He started all over again. I had already called Dad to come with the other 2 boys. I put Aiden in the car watching Bob the Builder which calmed him down more. The bleeding pretty much stopped at this point, but it was wide open. I finished getting the bag together with Daniel's help. As soon as Dad got there, off we went.

But we did not get too far. There was an accident blocking the way to Thibodaux. I called Keena to have her mom call and see if we could get through. She works for the sheriff (Side note - I did not think I could call 911 for this, but apparently that is precisely what I should have done. It was an emergency that we could not get there - just for future notes). They were just starting to let traffic through on a major pile up on the road, so we waited instead of turning around and going to St. James Hospital.

Thibodaux regional was great. We were seen very quickly. Aiden hates, let me repeat, hates doctors, nurses, anyone that looks like they might be anything like one of these. So, the moment he saw the nurse and she tried to get his oxygen level, he began screaming again. We never did get that oxygen level.

And, just as we were getting there, Mom's neighbor showed up with her little boy, Guy. Guy is only about a month behind the boys. He had his tonsils removed this week and would not eat or take meds, so the doctor told her to come to ER for IV fluids.

We were taken to the back and Guy ended up next to us in the trauma room. That helped the night go by much quicker.

They gave Aiden a shot to help calm him down and make him a little sleepy. After about 2 hours, they realized it did not work. I told the nurse they might want to knock him out totally cause the moment they would try to start, he would be screaming, but they rather not. They gave him another shot and very soon after he started swaying. He was so happy this whole time though. He played with Nemo on my phone and looked at my stack of wallet side pictures.

We had to wrap him to hold him down, but they underestimated his strength (I told you to put him to sleep). It took 3 nurses and me to hold down this 2 year old who was already tightly swaddled in a large sheet. I was hurting after.

The way home was awful. The meds made him so sick. He was vomiting until about 11 that night. Good thing he had not eaten since lunch.

I stayed home with him Thursday. He was still acting drunk Thursday morning, and poor baby, was so cranky all day. After Thursday, you would never know anything had happened. He was so happy.

Not so happy when we got there(look at that lip):
After 1st shot - happy:

After stitches - exhausted from fighting:


Jennifer Walker said...

Are you kidding me, Tammy? You are such a strong family to make it through all of this and still have a sense of humor about it. I'm so glad Aiden is ok. Hoping the rest of 2009 is quiet :)

Jamie said...

Seriously? Like Jennifer said, you are so strong to be able to deal with everything. Wishing you an uneventful 2009!