Sunday, January 11, 2009

Santa Came!!!

I heard Wes wake up about 4am to go to the restroom. Of course, he needed to get a sip of water too. He took a little while, but then peeked in our room - we were still sleeping, of course, so he went back to bed.

When he woke up later (still early), he came into our room to tell us that Santa passed. Santa left so many toys this year. I guess the boys were pretty good!

The faves: Wes got a real tool set to help fix things and help PawPaw at the camp and Parrain on his trailor. The twins got car sets and train sets. The car set has been a hit for quite a while. They also got a toy Handy Manny tool set that they love to play with. Also, Granny and PawPaw got them their bunk beds, so we got them sheets to go on them. These have to be the softest sheets I have ever felt. They are made of micro-fleece and are so warm. I decided against a comforter for now, so I wanted sheets that were a little warmer. These are wonderful.

The before picture:

still a little too tired to join in (not for long)

Wes has a clock to go in his room - it projects on the wall! Oooh! Aaah!

My tools!!!
The car set!!

A tool set for me too!
LSU hats for all the boys!

The after picture (includes toys from the night before as well):

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