Monday, May 01, 2006

23 weeks now

I know I have not been keen on posting pictures of me. I really hate looking at pictures of myself, but I know many of you do not see me often and have been asking if I am showing much yet, so here is a picture for you. Of course, I could not take one by myself, so you get to see Wesley also. He had to wear his favorite color today -- yellow. He wants it everyday, so we try to find something yellow in an outfit, or in this instance, and undershirt that is yellow!

So . . . 23 weeks along means I am over half way. The doctor thinks I will probably deliver around 36-37 weeks which is usual for twins. Hopefully I at least have 13 weeks left (for the sake of the babies, not me -- I do not much enjoy pregnancy).

Also, Kelci had her dance recital Sunday, so we were able to watch her in all her glory. She did a wonderful job. Kelci won 4th place out of the whole dance studio for ad sells, so she received a very big trophy and was part of the court presentation. She is in the middle in the pink dress. I am so proud of you Kelci.

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