Friday, September 12, 2008

Post Recovery

Well Daniel always like to make things interesting.

When they let us in after recovery, his oxygen level was low and kept dropping. He was in extreme pain, but because of his oxygen level, they had to take away his morphine pump. His blood pressure rose very high as well. Then his resperatory rate dropped really low. It seemed as if alarms just kept going off and he just wanted medicine for the pain.

About 1 1/2 hours later, he has finally calmed down. His oxygen level is back up not with the mask. All other levels seemed to be much better. His blood pressure is still a bit high, but that could be because of the pain. We will monitor it over the night and check with Dr. Donepudi in the morning if it continues on the high side.

He is taking a little nap right now, but we will go in to see him soon.

They let me stay in to try to keep him calm, but unfortunately everyone else had to leave. I hated them leaving without being able to update them. I snuck on the side the bed to text an update, but felt like I was breaking rules.

Thanks for the prayers and support today. I will try to update one more time tonight if I have a chance.

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