Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday Morning Update

I saw both doctors today. Everything is looking good with his previous surgery. He is scheduled for 7am tomorrow (please light a candle and say a prayer). There will be 3 surgeons in on this surgery. He has 4 major breaks and all near major nerves. It will be a long complicated surgery. He can move his fingers now, but Dr. Morvant said this is a complicated surgery, and he can have complications.

His blood pressure was really low and a low blood count, so they are pumping him with more blood. I will post more info on where those around here can donate. Their blood supply is low because of the hurricane. This will help replenish what he used and he will be given credit for the donations.

He ran a little fever last night as well, but he has been on antibiotics since he came in to prevent infection.

Otherwise he is doing well still. The medicine definitely is helping the pain.

He is starting physical therapy on his knee and hip today. The therapy is very low key right now, but they want him to start moving so he is not so soar afterwards.

Our next visit is at noon.

1 comment:

Jennifer Walker said...

Thanks for the update. We'll be praying for him, especially for a successful surgery tomorrow morning.