Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Morning

We have been doing very well the past couple of days. I went to work Thursday and Friday while Daniel was in rehab. He is doing better each day.

He will be discharged Tuesday after therapy. From there he will have home health and/or outpatient physical rehab. Dr. Morvant said that it will take about 6 weeks for his arm to heal enough to start therapy. After he has strength back in his arm, then we can start his leg. All in all, we are looking at at least a 6 month process.

Yesterday, Uncle Blaise, BJ, my dad, and Kirby came to the house to build a ramp. Thank you!

We also set up everything around the house to be handicapped accessible. We had to move a bit of furniture around. We will still need to install handicapped bars in the bathroom and a different shower head so he will have an easier time taking a shower. A shower seat is also ordered to help him in the shower.

The kids are doing great as well. They have adjust well sleeping different places. It looks like they will be doing this a couple more weeks as Daniel regains some strength and is not in so much pain. It is hard for them to be away, but I have also come to realize I cannot help Daniel like he needs if the kids are around for me to bath, feed, dress, put to sleep, etc. There are just not enough hours in the day when I will be working as well.

Thanks to all who have gone give blood so far (I think about 7-10 people) and many of you are planning to give when the bus comes to Vacherie. Thanks!

We all received a cute goody pack from Jennifer. The boys got a couple of toys, coloring books and colors, and we received a couple of magazine and a Sudoku book. Thanks Jennifer, Scott, and Jack!

Our friends sent us some beautiful flowers! And we have received many prayer cards. Thanks! We are touched by your thoughts and generosity.

1 comment:

Jennifer Walker said...

You're welcome. Glad we could send something to keep all of you entertained a little.

Good to hear that Daniel will be home soon.