Thursday, September 11, 2008

What? Another Hurricane?

Can't believe it! Keena called me tonight to tell me good and bad news. Good: No School tomorrow (I don't have to use a sick day) and Bad: No School tomorrow (I need a babysitter for Wes). Of course her first words after that were that he could stay with her, but she has done so much for the the past few days I will never be able to repay her. She needs a day off to rest.

IT just so happens that the twins' babysitter also could not babysit tomorrow because her AC went out with Hurricane Gustav and tomorrow they will replace it. Mom had already set up Michelle and Maci to come watch the boys at the house, so Wes can go there too.

Again, I cannot get over the support from everyone! The boys are all doing so well with going from place to place. Somehow it seems that they are better with everyone else than with us. What is that telling me:) hehe:)

We should only be getting tropical storm strength winds tomorrow, no real bad danger. I guess the worse is that so much debris is still around and some still do not have power. The winds were definitely strong today. As we were eating in the little open foyer area, the wind took my plate. The lights also blinked quite a few times here.

Hopefully my next update will be around lunch time when he finishes with surgery. He goes in at 7, so please say a prayer or 2.

Oh, and sorry no pictures lately, but I know it is for obvious reasons. Daniel can pose when he looks and feels better. Mrs. Hattie said that she did bring her camera for the "party" tomorrow. We have so many that want to come tomorrow to give their best for the surgery - thanks and we appreciate it! It is so great to have such wonderful family and friends. We are truly blessed.

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