Because of all the wires connected to Tammy, I am updating the blog for her.
On Wednesday we went to the high risk doctor in Thibodaux again. Unfortunately things were still progressing towards labor. He decided to do the FFN test again to see the chances of Tammy going into labor within the next two weeks. Because of the ultrasound the test could not be done until the following day. After she talked to Dr. Diebold, they decided to admit her back into the hospital in Thibodaux for observation. Things were pretty quiet for the first day and night, but then the contractions started to come every three to five minutes. On Friday morning, as I was on my way to work, the decision was made to transport her to Woman's Hospital, AGAIN.
The ride here was pretty rough which made contractions a little worse. Since they would not stop or slow down, she was put back on the Magnesium drip. This medicine makes her hotter then she already is being pregnant; therefore, she froze the rest of us with the thermostat set at 55 degrees.
After a few ups and downs, things seem to be pretty calm right now. She is 2 cm dialated and about 75 percent effaced. We are still waiting for the results of her FFN test that she took on Thursday. This will give us a better idea of where we stand. For now we are still in the Labor and Delivery but hoping to move to the High Risk unit within the next couple of days.