Tuesday, June 27, 2006

31 week update

Wow, have we gone far . I have exactly 2 months left until my due date, which of coarse I will not go to.

The fFN test yeaterday came back negative which means a very low chance of delivery in the next 2 weeks! Unfortunately I had a little bleeding when he did the test and throught the day yesterday. This is of no big concern. It probably just means I was dialating a little more. The doctors are not extremely alarmed by this. But that means not going home. They think I would be fine at home, but they know the moment my dr sees that I was bleeding and that I am contracting more, she will want me to go to Thibodaux Regional, and Thibodaux will want to send me here, so I just as well stay here.

So the plan is to stay put through the holiday. I will take another fFN test on the Monday after the 4th. IF negative they will be confident that I could go home because I should not deliver until I am 35 weeks, and Thibodaux can handle that!

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